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Isabel Burdiel is Professor of Modern History. University of Valencia (Spain) and has been Research Scholar at the University of Johns Hopkins, EEUU (1990-1991) and Honorary Research Fellow at the University of East Anglia (UK) 2004-2009.

Director of the European Network on Theory and Practice of Historical Biography (RETPB, 2009-2012)

Director of the Research Project, funded by the Spanish Ministry of Research and Innovation: “The Spanish Liberal Monarchy: Cultures, Discourses and Practices: 1833-1885 (2009-2011)

Main Fields of Reserch: European 18th-19th Centuries Liberalism. Political and Cultural History. Late 18th Century and 19th Century relations between History and the Novel.

Her most recent work concerns problems related to the theory and practice of historical biography and the history of 19th Century European Constitutional Monarchies.

She is the author of many books, critical editions and articles concerning the main fields of research mentioned above. Among them:


- La política de los notables, Valencia, Alfonso el Magnánimo, 1987

- Mary Wollstonecraft. Vindicación de los derechos de la mujer. Edición y estudio crítico, Madrid, Cátedra, 1994.

- Mary Shelley. Frankenstein, o el moderno Prometeo. Edición y estudio crítico, Madrid, Cátedra, 1996.

- Liberales, agitadores y conspiradores. Biografías heterodoxas del siglo XIX español. Edición con Manuel Pérez Ledesma, Madrid, Espasa, 2000. Main article: “La Dama de Blanco: Notas sobre la Biografía Histórica)

- Isabel II. No se puede reinar inocentemente, Madrid, Espasa, 2004.

- Liberales Eminentes. Edición con Manuel Pérez Ledesma, Madrid, Marcial Pons, 2008.

- Isabel II. Una biografía (1830-1904), Madrid, Taurus, 2010.


- “Myths of Failure, Myths of Success: New Perspectives on Nineteenth-century Spanish Liberalism”, Journal of Modern History, 70 (1998); pp. 892-912.

- “The Liberal Revolution: 1808-1843” en: A. Alvarez Junco y A. Shubert (eds), Spanish History since 1808, Londres y Nueva York, Arnold y Oxford University Press, 2000; pp. 17-32.

- “The Queen, The Woman and The Middle Class: The Symbolic Failure of Isabel II of Spain”, Social History 29.3 (2004); pp. 301.319.

- “The Uses of Monarchy: A Spanish “incident” in the mid-19th Century” en: J. Morrow y J. Scott (eds), Liberty, Authority, Formality. Essays in Honour of J.C.Davis, Cambridge, Imprint Academic, 2008.

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